
Friday, October 17, 2014

Judas being Lost

So I was reading one website attacking Eternal Security suggesting that the way Eternal Security believers use part of John 17:12 "I have kept, and none of them is lost" as being undermined by the following statement in regard to Judas.

First of all, they horribly misrepresent the passage by saying "Jesus admits to losing Judas".  This passage is not an admission of any failure.  "I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled."  This is presented as the absolute only exception, the exception that proves the rule.  We this absolute only one exception principle elsewhere in Scripture, the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only Sin that won't be forgiven.

The reason Judas is allowed to be Lost is to fulfill Bible Prophecy.  Psalm 19 and Zachariah 11, the Idol Sheppard that Leaves the Flock.  There are no Bible Prophecies about Salvation being lost.  Jesus said to the damned in Matthew 7 (even specifically proffering Christians who are damned) he NEVER knew them.  There is no such state of a damned former believer.

Scholars may debate all day if Judas was really Saved and lost it, or just rhetorically being spoken of as if he was one of them (I prefer the latter view). But either way the point is he's one of a Kind.  Son of Perdition is a Unique title used only once elsewhere in Scripture, where I believe it's The False Prophet.  And still the same person as Judas.


  1. Do you think it possible for a believer to be attacked for three years by demonic voices. For i am .
    Also i believe it is a weapon not demons but demonicly inspired
    Voice to skull weapon that the army admits to having
    The beast the kings of the earth and their armies make war with the lamb
    And so is people.

  2. I also had a vision that saved me from these voices when they first came one night a vision of a cloud forming and i went into it and saw a paradise was at perfect peace. I didnt know it was a dream for i actually woke up and saw the cloud for like a cloud of majesty before my eyes while i was in bed and the i was flying in the cloud over a sea and there was this beautiful holy mountain and i was just supsended face front level looking at it.

  3. Ive literally been tortured i have prayed and prayed and rebuked and rebuked

  4. So for that reason i say it cannot be demons it must be persecution.
    And God has shown me so much in his word to rebuke false interpretations of what it could be. He showed me for instance those scorpian creatures in rev 9 are the weapon of the army of the papacy
    There is a brlliant video on you tube with very few views God led me to
    It is about that part of rev 9 the whole series is called the antichrist for dummies

    1. Scorpion was the former name of cross bows
      They invented in latin a new word that is not real
      The cross bow

    2. Of course nowadays they have more than cross bows more than swords
      They have frequency weapons that can make sound voices and even rape sensations

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

      Antichrist for dummies part 20 rev 9

      I dont agree with all gis series but this is historical fulffilment without any doubt it fits exactly if you watch how he shows what it means you will be amazed.

  5. Still as i write i hear them have done for three years!!

  6. When i read st pauls vision i feel it is similar not knowing in the body or out of the body caught up to paradise .

  7. Am i judas
    Have i blasphemed the holy ghost?

  8. It also rapes me at night kind of

  9. It tries to make me think God has sex with me
    Disgusting i know but it wont go
    And i am helpless

  10. God has really been showing me the truth about persecution and pauls test also
    And the teuth that he who believes shall not be judged even though paul saus i have judged to trst them.

  11. The intention of the edict of thesselonika which was when the man of lawlessness was revealed was to call any one mad who opposed the papal antichrist it says all roman authorities will declare them who oppose the pope mad men
