
Saturday, November 19, 2016

When did it become Liberal to Hate people?

[Update: I wrote this when I was still confused about the distinction between Socialism and Liberalism.  My basic feelings are the same but I would certainly express them differently today.]

Much of this blog has been dedicated to me arguing that The Bible supports Liberal views over Conservative ones far more often then most Conservatives are willing to face.

However lately my greatest obstacle to showing that The Bible is a Liberal book hasn't been one of the issues you might expect.  But rather it has become that a very loud portion of the American Left has decided to reject the most unambiguously Liberal thing Jesus said "Love your Enemies".

I've been noticing this problem for awhile.  In how it used to be conservatives who complained about sympathetic villains in movies and TV, and so on. But now many Feminist websites view redemption for a male villain as problematic.

However it is the reaction to Trump's election that has really boiled this over.  I didn't vote for Trump or for Clinton, I don't want to say whether it was Johnson or Stein I voted for because I don't enthusiastically support either.

I've seen lately TheMarySue and various Tumblr blogs get all outraged at John Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence for saying we shouldn't condemn all Trump voters as Racists.

The people talking about the Popular vote count love to keep saying he got less votes then Romney, clearly so they can convince themselves they aren't condemning anyone who helped elect Obama when they say all Trump voters are irredeemable.  However it's clear to me Trump's deficit compared to Romney's votes is far smaller then the Romney votes he didn't get, considering how Romney himself was one of his harshest critics.  That Utah independent probably only got Romney voters, Johnson I'm sure got many.  And I know at least one person in my family who voted Republican in both Obama's elections but for Clinton this time.

90% of the the Bigots who voted for Trump were gonna vote Republican no matter what, they were just more enthusiastic about Trump then past ones.  And almost none were ever eligible Democratic voters, they would have not voted or gone Third Party.  The very few that will vote Democrat no matter how illogical that is to their views, didn't change this time, one random KKK leader did endorse Clinton, and with far less qualifications then David Duke's Trump support had.

Trump's victories in Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  And maybe to a lesser extend North Carolina and Florida.  Was dependent on a huge segment of the Urban poor, who voted solely on Trump's promise to end Free Trade Agreements and financially punish those who ship factory Jobs overseas.  At least half of these people voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries, and probably for Obama back when neither major candidate addressed that issue.

I personally voted Sanders in the primary based on this issue.  But it wasn't gonna make me vote for Trump since I suspect he's gonna betray those who voted on that.  But regardless to many others who also didn't trust him he was the only option even paying them lip service.

Saying "whether or not they voted because of Racism it's still Racist that they didn't consider that a disqualifying factor" is easy to say when you're financially fortunate enough to even have Internet access.

I don't deny White Privilege or Male Privilege, or Straight Privilege of Cis Privilege.  But those aren't the only privileges, and there are plenty of White people financially unfortunate enough to make them less privileged then many non-whites.

I suppose most of us engaging in Social Media are blind to the fact that people poor enough to not even have regular access to the internet still exist.  But they do, I know a few in my family.  They are either unemployed, or employed but barely making enough to get buy.  Some who are struggling to even feed their children.  Some who wanted to be retired by the time they reached their current age but weren't able to.  And other pressured to retire before they were fully prepared.

And before any Democrat starts calling poor people who voted based on their own persona financial interests Selfish.  I should remind you that in every past election the perception has been that the Poor people voting solely on their personal financial interests were voting Democrat, because they support Welfare and Food Stamps and Obama Care.  And for that Conservatives called them Selfish constantly.

I know many people who had consistently voted Democrat in every Election in my lifetime except maybe this one since I haven't generally been asking people.  Even though they are Anti-Gun Control, and Pro-Life and pretty annoyingly Conservative on Social and Foreign policy issues.  Who's view of Black Lives Matter has resembled Giuliani's more then Obama's.  Heck the most Liberal state in the country just voted again to keep the damn Death Penalty.

Every past Democratic victory in my lifetime including Gore getting the Popular vote in 2000 has been dependent on the poor, many but not all of whom were minorities, who voted Democrat on financial issues only.  So every Social Justice Warrior calling those people Selfish now have become exactly what they hate.

That's the only thing truly different about this Election.  Trump had more support from the Poor then any past Republican in my lifetime.  And that is why my sympathy for Trump voters is actually greater then my sympathy for Bush voters.

And yes I'd have a similar message to people who'd have been outraged if Trump lost.  Most Trump voters can't possibly understand the situation of the people most hostile to voting for Trump.  This goes both ways.

And while most of the Trump voters I'm talking about were White, they did include African Americans and Mexican Americans and Muslims.  In fact I remember reports on how Trump did better then expected among Hispanics and Millennials.


  1. I like this post. I think it's really a huge case of people shouting across the room at each other. A lot of one side think that it's a simple case of "Racism" or "Sexism" that made folks vote for Trump due to loud social media bigots voicing a lot of crappy viewpoints. Which from your post, seems to be more of a louder minority than believed.

    But, it's really a case of people simply voting to have a life, and that means a way to have a regular cash-flow or help in that department. As you said, Trump is the only one who even pretends to know how they feel, and also (a bit unfortunately), people tend to solely empathize within their demographics and worldview, and far less outside of that, unless they have a more open view on things.

    Sadly, of course, the Republicans (which obnoxiously includes Trump) has never cared about the livelihood of any of the average American (white or not). It's all about what all of their rich buddies want(*). Now the Democrats are not innocent either. Plying to the rich is their trade too, but at least, they believe in some form of money aid systems to help the average man on the street in times of financial difficulties.

    I would say a better choice is needed that respects the freedom of the individual and helps the average Joe in times of financial need, plus, very importantly, maintain a vital economy, so that everyone can actually earn a decent living.

    (*)For example, many people look at business agreements as screwing over the American citizens and helping the citizens of other countries. But, that's not the case. These days, even if Americans want to, they can't even support business outside of America easily due to banking restrictions. And that is what helps other citizens more, as it benefits local businesses. These business agreements are meant for the corporations to buy low (take advantage of low labor) and sell high, where they benefit their own pockets. The average citizen (in both countries) is not thought of at all in any equation. Republicans are a big believer in complete freedom of businesses. Which is not a "bad" thing per se, as don't everyone deserve freedom? However, the average person can and will be economically affected, as such is the nature of things. Which is a weird dichotomy. People want the Republicans to control businesses (which will never happen), but always never fail to claim they are "Pro-capitalist" and "anti-communist". (Heaven forbid, you give handouts to the poor) It's like, which is it?

  2. Advertise Here
    Hidden mann - the hidden word covered up by the lying scribes

    How do we know by the word of truth that 1 cor 5 was indeed a test a st Paul said in 2 corinthians it was?
    Firstly we know...

    Those in obedience to Jesus do not judge sinners
    They especially apostles also know believers in Jesus are not judged
    They know also satan cannot destroy the sinful nature ( the flesh)
    They also know Jesus does not use or need satan to SAVE mens spirits

    The test
    1Sexual immorality is actually reported among you, and sexual immorality such as is not even among the pagans, so as for one to have the wife of the father. 2And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, so that the one having done this deed might be taken out of your midst!

    3For I, though being absent in body, now being present in spirit, have already judged the one having thus produced this, as being present, 4in the name our Lord Jesus, of you having been gathered together and of me in spirit, with the power of the Lord Jesus, 5to deliver such a one to Satan for destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.a

    The clue in hypocrisy

    6Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7Cleanse out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as you are, unleavened. For also Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed, 8so that we might celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, not with leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and of truth.

    Of which leaven were we wArned about by Jesus?

    For what purpose did christ become the passover lamb?

    What and who's spirit is sincereity and truth?

    What does the spirit of truth teach about sin , rightiousness and judgment?

  3. Continued

    And in and by who's spirit are we gathered together?

    Who is only omnipotent?

    Did Jesus come to deliver men from or unto the satan?

    How was the flesh destroyed?

    How are our spirits saved and by whom?
    How do we recieve forgiveness of sins
    Is forgiveness judgment ?

    Is incest a sin?
    Is sexual immorality sin?

    What is the message of reconciliation?

    Is Jesus christ the same today yesterday and forever?

    Is the gospel of salvation eternal?

    Did Jesus command us to judge sinners?
    Are believers judged for their sins or not judged?
    Who is the judge and what did he say about judging
    Did he command us to Judge or not to judge

  4. Cont

    What gospel did paul preach?
    Why is it good news?
    is it possible for men to not to have sin
    If we do not sin are we saved in that way
    Or do we need to believe Jesus is the son of God to be saved
    was the man at corinth known to have committed incest a believer in Jesus?
    Was he judged for his sins by st paul?
    Did st paul have power to judge a fellow believer for sin?
    Is rebuking by correction the same as judging?
    Would not st paul be a hypocrite for judging a fellow believer for sins of the flesh?
    What was the yeast Jesus told us to beware?
    Why did st paul say in 2 corinthians that the main reason he wrote the letter of 1 corinthians was to know the proof of them to see if they had listened ( been obedient) in everything.?
    Why did st paul say that with his flesh he served the law of sin?
    Why did st paul say the life he lived in the flesh he lived by faith in the son of God who loved him and gave himself for his.

  5. Cont

    Why did st paul glory in the cross of christ.
    Is trusting in the blood of christs cross for forgivness if sins trampling it undergoot
    Is there any condemnation for those in christ Jesus?
    Why did st paul say it did not matter to him if any man judged him
    Wasnt that attitude to be copied by the sinner at Corinth?
    Did paul like john admit he had sin?
    Did john like paul admit with his flesh he served the law of sin but was justified and set free by faith in Jesus the son of God so was not condemned if like the man at corinth he sinned? But instead of being judged was forgiven of his sin by confessing it to God?
    What is the message of reconciliation God entrusted to us?
    what did Jesus say the spirit of truth will teach about judgment?
    Satan is the accuser of the brethren he accuses believers of sin and is condemned already

  6. Continued

    Hidden manna

    You already have completly failed
    For you judge eachother on the basis of (as if your brothers are unbelievers
    And you defraud eachother this way of the good news of forgiveness of sins and not being judged for sins because you are all saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus
    And this you do to brothers!

    1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea

    Epi on the basis of Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case.

  7. Cont Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case.

    Read EPI above to see it meaning on the basis of & at.

    time for judgment to begin away from the house of God Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case.

    Read EPI above to see it meaning on the basis of & at.

    time for judgment to begin away from the house of God

    Not AT the house of God

    Epi means AT

    This Clumsily translation was designed to trick
    trick based upon the similarities of how the words look
    Purposeful deception by wicked workers who are Thieves dragons wicked scribes.

    You can read in one of the previous posts in this thread that Daniel the Prophet saw the war against the saints waged by the little horn the popes in his the persecution of them , that he was overcoming them , that same persecution that Peter was talking about , ends Jesus returns THEN instead of judgment being AWAY FROM THE HOUSE OF GOD judgment IS GIVEN TO the saints and the papal antichrist is destroyed, then it is time the SAINTS inherit the kingdom in full.



    It is time for the judgment to begin away from the house of God
    apo: from, away from
    Original Word: ἀπό
    Part of Speech: Preposition
    Transliteration: apo
    Phonetic Spelling: (apo')
    Definition: from, away from
    Usage: from, away from.

  9. APO
    time for judgment to begin away from the house of God

    Not AT the house of God

    Epi means AT

    This Clumsily translation was designed to trick
    trick based upon the similarities of how the words look
    Purposeful deception by wicked workers who are Thieves dragons wicked scribes.

    You can read in one of the previous posts in this thread that Daniel the Prophet saw the war against the saints waged by the little horn the popes in his the persecution of them , that he was overcoming them , that same persecution that Peter was talking about , ends Jesus returns THEN instead of judgment being AWAY FROM THE HOUSE OF GOD judgment IS GIVEN TO the saints and the papal antichrist is destroyed, then it is time the SAINTS inherit the kingdom in full.

    So indeed if you have any judgments concerning things partaining to this life (marriage is a thing of this life for in the ressurection they will neither marry nor be given in marriage also any failures / sins of the flesh are thing pertaining to this life only , as at the resurrection it will not be possible to fail by the flesh because of the redemption of the body)

  10. But should ut we should not judge anyway.?
    What did Jesus command ?
    What did he command?

    Then set up as your judges those you have already despised with utter contempt and cast out the church?

    No they did not but should have done for they were wrong to judge eachother as if they were strangers to christ has been made plain already in the previous verse!!

    You already have completly failed
    For you judge eachother on the basis of (as if your brothers are unbelievers
    And you defraud eachother this way of the good news of forgiveness of sins and not being judged for sins because you are all saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus
    And this you do to brothers!

    1848 eksouthenéō (from 1537 /ek, "completely out from," which intensifies outheneō, "bring to naught, reduce to nothing") – properly, cast out as nothing; set at nought; "to count as nothing, to treat with utter contempt, i.e. as zero" (WP, 2, 281); "set at nought, despise utterly" (A-S); to regard something as lacking any standing (value).

  11. So indeed if you have any judgments concerning things partaining to this life (marriage is a thing of this life for in the ressurection they will neither marry nor be given in marriage also any failures / sins of the flesh are thing pertaining to this life only , as at the resurrection it will not be possible to fail by the flesh because of the redemption of the body)

    Set do you up as your judges those you have already judged despised and thrown out of the church?
    But he was saying they should!

  12. Be aware that black pope now acts all liberal towards homosexuals saying as if homosexuality is not caused by the fall! Which is most certainly
    But we have grace in christ

  13. How is it possible Gods word be mistranslated?

    She vatican city sits on many waters menaing over on many nations peoples and languages that is how the lying scribes got in to translation commitees to mistranslate hard to understand paul teachings to justify judging the saints!!

  14. Understand paul was not talking about them throwing out false teachers
    He was saying they were throwing out believers because they were caught or know to have sinned!
    They very purpose Jesus came was to save men from being cast out as sinners by justifying beleivers in him even when they are sinners saved by grace and still in the flesh war. Which is overcome not by the will of the flesh but by faith in the spirit not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord

  15. Yet the mind of the flesh wants to puff itself up and by the flesh stop sinning by moral law

  16. But we are justified and not counted as sinners by faith in christ which is walking by the spirit and living by the spirit so if we live by the spriit let us keep in step with the spirit and not devour and envy and judge eachother!

  17. How do we resist temptation to sin by our wills or by faith in Jesus
    Knowing as believers we are counted rightious by faith and not counted as sunners

  18. Otherwise we are like paul was striving to be rightious according to the law by our flesh wills which he said he was and without fault but it was dung!

  19. If i just be accepted as i am in Jesus christ
    And being homosexual just then be homosexual
    Am i not accepting flesh to rule?

  20. Or am i looking at myself as having sin and seeking to ve justified by faith in christ but being in teuth knowing i have sin
    But if i say sin is not sin inlie and the teuth is not in ne

  21. Bot men argue wrong and say homosexuality is not sin
    So they say they have no sin and lie and the truth is not in them
    The life i live in the flesh the flesh being no good thing i live by faith in the son of God eho loved me abd gave himself fir me

  22. But living by the flesh is living by the law
    And we know even though we are dea to the law by christ we know the comnandment is still holy and true
    But im not able am not righteous by myself but only through faith in Jesus christ

  23. Now we know whatever the law says it says to those under the law
    But i am under grace
    So when the law says do not lie with a man etc
    It does not say it to me
    For the law says what it says to those under it but im under grace
    But what is sin then?
    For we know breaking of the law is sin
    But we are not under law nor does it speak to us for we are not under it

  24. Should i then lie with a man i mean is that sin
    How are we made rightioys and not sinners?
    Is it by faith justied by jesus christ or by law?

  25. But if i say i can lie with man am i not allowing the flesh?

  26. But the goal is faith expressing itself in love
    Justification of the sinner for all have sinned and are freely justified by faith
    Shall we sin then but i would have not known what sin was but for the law telling me
    But i am dead to the law is the law sin then
    No becayse we know the law is piritual but i am saved by grace through faith in Jesus christ
    So then i know the law is good but with flesh i cannot perform it for another law is at wirk in my members the law of sin
    And so with my mind i serve the law of God but with my flesh i serve the law of sin
    Therefore there is now no condemnation fir those in Jesus vhrist

  27. So we live by the spirit of life in Jesus christ

  28. So we are to walk in the spirit and not the flesh not gratifying the desires of the flesh but instead walking in the spirit which says you live by Jesus the son of God not by flesh

  29. Those in the flesh rejected faith in christ jesus want to follow the law of moses
    Which we were never under as gentiles and are dead to through the body of christ, for he died and nailed it to the tree.

  30. And if men say your a sinner
    Well they are also not because they say you are but because all have sinned
    And if we protest and say we have no sin we lie and the truth is not in us

  31. But Jesus justifies sinners if they believe he is the son of God

  32. Unto salvation confession of him
    Does not mean one is not saved without confession
    For a man believes in him with the heart
    And out of the overlow of the heart the mouth speaks
    I believed therefore i have spoken
    We who believe naturally speak so that is why it says unto salvation
    God is just and the justifier of he who believes in Jesus his son.
    This is why Jesus said he who believes in me and not he who confesses me but rather who bleives in meas the primary unequivical declaration of gauranteed forgiveness of sin being passed from death to life Jistified not condmened not judged and eternal life never thirsting never being lost never perishing etc.
