
Friday, January 27, 2017

The Flood in the Days of Moses

Today, I want to talk about a common criticism of The Koran I consider unfair.  I'm not an Islamic Apologist, I'm working on a study where I will address an anachronism in The Koran that is best explained by Muhammad having very limited knowledge of The Bible and this showing it did not have a supernatural origin.

But I find it very unfair to suggest it's an anachronism when The Koran refers to a Flood in the time of Moses.  Every Islamic Apologist agrees those references are to the drowning of Pharaoh's Army in The Red Sea.  Yet I keep seeing Christians act like that's a stupid excuse and clearly the mere presence of the word Flood proves Muhammad thought the Global Flood happened in the days of Moses, or that there was more then one Global Flood.

Obviously, an army being drowned on land that was just previously dry can qualify as a flood.  It's not a normal flood, but neither was the Flood of Noah, since they usually aren't Global and don't normally involve Gates in Heaven or Fountains of the Great Deep being opened.

The KJV of Exodus 15:8 uses the word Flood (though it's Plural) in describing the Red Sea incident.  In The Hebrew this isn't the word for Flood used most of the time, so I am overall making little note of this verse.  But I mention it for the KJV onliers, if your insist that the KJV is a perfect translation, then you've already lost all right to say it's wrong to call this incident a Flood.

Amos 9:5 also uses Flood in the KJV in reference to Egypt, though in The Hebrew that word is the usual word used to refer to The Nile.

Joshua 24 as well uses Flood in the KJV in a way that is confusing.  In the Hebrew it's actually the word for River and probably refers to the Euphrates.  But a KJV only Absolutist has no choice but to argue that Flood refers to the Red Sea incident.

The Hebrew word for Flood (Yabul) used in Genesis 6-10 is used pretty rarely, outside those Chapters only in Psalm 29:10.  So yeah if you want to limit the idea of flooding to only that Hebrew word there is no Biblical basis for applying it to the Red Sea incident.  But other Hebrew words become Flood in English, and so if Arabic likewise used words for Flood to translate those words, then there is plenty of basis for applying it to the drowning of Pharaoh's army.

Revelation 12:15-16 uses the word Flood in a context commonly seen as being an Echo of when Israel was lead by God to the Wilderness.  This Flood is often interpreted as representing an Army.  One basis for that is Daniel's usage of the Hebrew word Sheteph in 9:26 and 11:22.

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