
Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Serpent of Genesis 3 was Evil according to The New Testament.

There are some teachers out there seeking to suggest a Gnostic cosmology is compatible with The Canonical Scriptures.  Like David Vose on YouTube, who seems to be a Trump supporter which is mind boggling.

I've talked about the New Testament's usage of words the Gnostics also liked already.  The main reason I reject Gnosticism is because I believe in a Physical Bodily Resurrection, which I've talked about in posts on 1 Corinthians 15, and when talking about Lex Meyer's book.  And I've shown that the Resurrection of Jesus was Bodily.

But the big factor in how most people casually think of Gnosticism, is the idea that it was a good thing Adam and Eve eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and perhaps involves identifying The Serpent with Jesus.  Here I'm going to address how The New Testament rejects that idea.

2 Corinthians 11:3
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
And Paul is one of the NT authors most accused of being Gnostic.  The Greek word translated "beguiled" there also gets translated "deceived".  This is the same chapter that later refers to Satan appearing as an Angel of Light.  Paul also said Eve was deceived in 1 Timothy 2:13-15, a passage that can sound pretty sexist outside the greater context of Paul's message, that in the Church there is neither Male or Female as he taught in Galatians 3.

The Book of Revelation identifies this Serpent with Satan, The Devil and the Great Red Dragon in chapter 12 verses 9, 14 and 15, and Chapter 20 verse 2.  Being called the Old (Archaios) Serpent implies the intent is to refer to the first ever Serpent mentioned in Scripture.

Jesus typologically identifies himself with a serpent in John 3:14, but that is the Brazen Serpent Moses raised up in The Wilderness in Numbers.  Which is a pretty big contradiction to trying to view Jesus as opposing YHWH.

Some will tie into this that Jesus is called the Morning Star and thus identify him with Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12.  I've talked on my Prophecy blog about Jesus as the Morning Star.  However part of that is pointing out that there is NO basis in the Hebrew for translating Isaiah 14:12 as saying Morning Star, Lucifer or anything like that.  The rebel god of that verse is the same as The Dragon in Revelation 12.

Now as far as the reasons people feel like it should be a good thing we eat of the Tree of Knowledge, who don't like what it says about Yahuah that He seemingly didn't want us to have Knowledge.  I have two prior studies on the subject.

The Trees of The Garden of Eden.

Ye Hath God Said.  Which I also put on YouTube.

And additionally here is a post talking more about my understanding of the New Heaven and New Earth.

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