
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of The World

The YouTube channel called Remember The Commands did some videos during this last Passover season criticizing the concept that the New Testament account of Jesus fills the role of the Passover Lamb.

Much of it is nitpicking and stuff that is an inevitable result of a Human playing the role of the Lamb as a willing Sacrifice.  And objections to a Human playing such a role at all I already addressed in my Human Sacrifice in The Torah post.  It's not about denying the original meaning of the Passover, it's about God using a similar method to achieve an even greater deliverance.

However, there is one specific criticism mentioned there that every Christian should know how to answer if they've studied Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15.  He points out that The Passover Lamb is offered per Household, not for individuals or one for the whole Nation.  A valid point, and the response is that Jesus was offered for the Household of Adam.

And that leads me to how The Passover itself in this context is an argument for Universal Salvation.  There is no evidence in the Exodus account that it was possible for an individual within the Household who didn't have Faith in this ritual being left behind when they left Egypt.  It being offered for The Household meant the entire Household regardless of individuals.

Likewise John The Baptist said in John 1 that Jesus takes away the Sins of The World, not of those who place their Faith in Him, The World.  John 3:16 promises Believers will not Perish, but that doesn't contradict the rest being Saved after they Perish.

And again going back to Romans 5, the clear teaching there is that everyone made a Sinner by Adam is now made Righteous by Christ.

And in 1st Corinthians 15 Paul talks about the meanings of the Harvest Festivals further, like Revelation 14 does, defining Believers as the Firstfurits of the Harvest, which clearly means we are not the whole Harvest.

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