
Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Most Racist Christians are usually not Young Earth Creationists

It's pretty surprising to some that in-spite of how Leftist I am I still stick to Six-Day Young Earth Creationism including a truly Global Flood in the days of Noah, and also emphasize Evolution's ties to Scientific Racism.

First off, you got YouTubers like Inspiring Philosophy and R.C. Apologist and their buddy Michael Heiser who are willing to entirely accept the Theory of Evolution, but remain devout Calvinists believing in Eternal Torment and calling Homosexuality a Sin.  So the exact opposite of me in terms of where to break with traditional American Fundamentalism does exist. What is more likely to effect how you treat other people?  What you believe about things that happened thousands of years ago?  Or believing other people are Reprobates who God Hates?

And yes it's true some of the Scientific Racists of the 18th and 19th Centuries saw themselves as being totally compatible with being devout Christians.  Thing is I've visited the websites of the most openly Racist modern Christians, you'll often stumble upon them looking into Lost Tribes related theories, and they tend to believe in an Old Earth and a Local Flood.  Basically I'm talking about forms of "Christian Identity".

Whether or not they place a Gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, they definitely place one between Genesis 2:3 and 2:5.  They believe the Adamim created on the 6th day were the primitive races, cave men and ape men.  And then much later God created the first "Civilized" or 'White" Man and that's who was placed in The Garden of Eden.  Even the grandfather of modern White Supremacy made this distinction clear.  And later Houston Stewart Chamberlain seems to have felt the same.  Early important figures in how Polygenesist interpretations of Genesis developed in America include Daniel Parker, Charles Caldwell, Lester A Hoyle, Alexander Winchester, Charles Hamilton Smith, Samuel George Mortonn, Charles Pickering, Louis Agassiz, Josiah C. Nott, George Gliddon, Samuel Kneeland and Nathaniel Shaler (a founding member of the Immigration Restriction League).  

I'm not aware of Ripley, Madison Grant or Lothrop Stoddard saying anything about how Genesis fit into their racial theories, all three of their books are absent of Biblical references but do refer to Darwin and Evolution a lot.  Charlton S. Coon was explicitly an Evolutionist.

Yes some Monogenist Creationists have let Racism influence how they interpreted the existence of different ethnic features, both before and after Darwin.  But the rise of truly militant hateful Scientific Racism is intimately tied to the rise of Polygenism.

Fact is it was Pre-Darwin Moongenist Creationists like Samuel Stanhope Smith, Georges-Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon and Johann Blumenbach who started correctly observing how "racial" features are a product of the environment (also Martin Delany and George Washington Williams). they were wrong on the specifics of how and why, but that's how Science starts.  The bias some had in concluding Adam and Eve were White instead of looking like those indigenous to where The Bible says God created them is embarrassing however and I won't defend that.

Now I don't agree with any layer of these racist polygenesists' logic.  Meaning even if it were true some people didn't 100%  or at all descend from the same Adam it wouldn't make them inferior or any less eligible for Salvation or to become Full Citizens of God's Kingdom.  Anyone sapient enough to respond to The Gospel is who The Gospel is for.  And as a Believer in Universal Salvation, plenty of verses justify not even limiting it to Humanity, we're told Jesus will Reconcile all THINGS to God, and that every Knee shall bow, and God will be All in All.  Gregory of Nyssa was confident of even Satan's eventual Salvation.  But that's a big IF because even Atheist Scientists don't consider Polygenism credible anymore.

Paul said at Mar's Hill in Acts 17:26 that God has made of One Blood all the Nations of Men on the Face of The Earth.  Now the websites I refereed to address this verse, first choosing to favor the Alexandrian texts over the Textus Receptus/KJV for this verse even though that doesn't really help them much, it's still saying He made of one Man all Nations.  They want to use a very particular definition of "Nation" to say it means all Civilized Nations, but Paul didn't say a Greek term that would mean that, Nations here is Ethnos, from which comes our words Ethnicity and Ethnic which are sometimes used as synonyms for "race".

Many scholars see this part of the Mar's Hill Sermon as Paul refuting the common Greek view, the Greeks didn't believe in a Single Adam figure but many Autochthons, and that the truly Civilized were only those descended from Deucalion.  Which the Greeks did not think included the Jews.

Now these sites may well admit that by now everyone descends from Adam and maybe even Noah because of all the exploration and globalization.  It is now a Genetic fact even Evolutionists can't deny that all Humans have both a Mater-Lineal and Pater-Lineal common ancestor and those Ancestors were Humans not some "missing link".  And that was not what 19th Century Evolutionists predicted.

And that's why they emphasize Miscegenation so much, they claim only "pure" descendants of Jacob are truly Elect.  They view Cain and his wife as the first "interracial marriage" and then they might use a Sethite view of Genesis 6 but both have been used by Racists.  Then they'll say The Flood was only local, it only flooded the main homeland of Adam's family (which Cain was exiled from) so non Seed of Eve people did survive.

They may try to support identifying the Kenites with Cain, but since Moses married a Kenite Wife that would be a problem for them.  Mostly their Biblical Evidence of non Noahite "races" in the post Flood world are the Raphaim, Horites, Emims and Zuzims (later called Zamummim) of Genesis 14, and possibly later the Anakim who they may say descend from the Genesis 6 Nephilim.  They'll try to argue Ham's descendants were the ones particularly prone to intermarry with them, especially the Caananites who lived in the same region.  And misuse Genesis 36 to argue for the Edomites and Amalakites being tainted, and in time the Moabites and Ammonites followed suit.  Plenty of this I've already addressed in past posts on why it's only Spiritually mixed marriages God was concerned with.

Then the Anti-Semitism creeps in.  They may or may not tie in the usual Kazzar Myth, or a modern Jews being Edomites narrative.  But mostly these types seem to want to argue that the Southern Kingdom was far more susceptible to Miscegenation, and that while the North had their Spiritual problems they were the Kingdom that remained "Racially" pure.  And so they'll call Judah "the true Lost Tribe".  And then they'll argue the Northern Kingdom became Europeans even though The Bible places them in the exact opposite direction.  Problem is they forget that Joseph's wife was a Mizraimite which undermines that whole narrative.

And thus the Secular Version of this being promoted by Secular Atheist Race Realists in the Alt-Right is basically the same narrative (including the Jews being white looking genetically tainted "Race Traitors").  Darwinism and it's Cousin Eugenics just gave Non Believing Racists a way to secularize the narrative created by the most Racist interpretation of The Bible.  Not unlike how New Atheists borrow a lot of their wrong views on History from older Protestant anti-Catholic rhetoric.

So my fellow Leftists like Step Back History and Peter Coffin try to separate Biological Darwinism from Social Darwinism, saying that Creationists "Quote Mine" Darwin out of context.  But it's not a coincidence that Galton came from the same family, they are inseparable.

Now the conclusion I draw from Genesis 36 is that those Genesis 14 tribes were Caananites first and that these tribes broke off from them, not the other way around.  The Horites were named after Seir's grandson Hori, Seir was a Hivite based on how Esau's wife who descended from him is identified.  Same with the Anakim, they were I think a Royal Family of the Hittites who were also associated with Hebron.

It's Racist implications aside it might be possible to some day convince me of a Local Flood of Noah view, though currently unlikely.  It's placing Death before Genesis 3 I will never accept based on my strong uncompromising view of Romans 5 which is also central to my belief in Universal Salvation.

On the subject of Cain's Wife, first of all we're not told he met her after his exile only that that's when their son named Enoch was conceived, they could have been married already before Abel was killed.

But regardless of that, no, the existence of people already in the land of Nod isn't proof of other Adams, I feel Genesis 4 implies Seth was conceived soon after Able was killed, meaning over 100 years had passed, most of Adam and Eve's children would have left by this point following their command to fill the Earth, the first two just stayed near by because they were the heirs.

And my main response to all the people thinking these must be a different "race" or something is, why would people not related to Abel want to avenge Abel?  Elsewhere in The Torah being the avenger of Blood is the Kinsman's responsibility.

If you think the Genesis 1 and 2 Creations of Adam are different events, the problem with saying Genesis 1 is about primitives is that only Genesis 2 actually describes the matter Adam is made from, so only Genesis 1 is possibly a merely Spiritual creation.  And it was the Genesis 1 Adam given Dominion over The Earth, while you could misleadingly translate Genesis 2 as saying it's Adam was made to be a slave.

But I still lean towards Genesis 2 being more details on the Sixth-Day, Genesis backtracks on it's Chronology a lot since it was many accounts edited together by Moses.  The start of Genesis 5 makes it very difficult to separate the Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Adams, since it's clearly talking about the direct father of Seth yet describes him restating Genesis 1 rather then Genesis 2.

Update August 19th: Beasts of the Field.

Since making this post I've learned there is apparently a second approach to saying Non-Whites don't descend from Adam (These kinds of Racists I've been talking about are called the Christian Identity movement on Wikipedia).  And that is to say Non-Whites are "Beasts of the Field".

Now I myself have come to consider that the "Beasts of The Field" and other creations of Genesis 2:19-20 were not the same as the normal animals created before Adam but rather more sentient beings, they are presented as potential mates after all.  But that was in the context of arguing they are what we might normally call Angelic beings, like the Cherubim/Seraphim (the Four Beasts surrounding the Throne of God in Revelation) and of course Satan who is identified by Revelation 12 with the Serpent of Genesis 3, and perhaps also the basis for the Lilith tradition.

While Wikipedia seems to list that as their main approach, the currently active websites I've looked at take the separating the Adams of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 approach.  Largely because the Beasts created in the Garden would be in the same region as Adam and so the overlapping it with a Local Flood view doesn't work as well.

Of course the Racists doing this might be talking about the Genesis 1 beasts since it's all about them saying Non-Whites are animals. But the KJV never says "of the field" in Genesis 1 and the Wikipedia page specified "of the field".  And Earth and Field are separate words in the Hebrew as well.

The main website I've looked at argues the Serpent of Genesis 3 was a non Adamite human by saying verses 1&14 distinguish the Nahash from the Beasts of the Field.  I however have it on good authority that the Hebrew does not permit that interpretation, it's purely a product of how the King James English words those verses that makes it more ambiguous.  But whatever the Nahash is, I've already refuted the false doctrine that it mated with Eve.

The crux of the "Beasts of the Field" argument is the ones in Genesis 2 must have been creatures we'd today label Homo-Sapiens if they were eligible mates for Adam.  This ignores Cattle and Fowls of the Air also being in those verses.  We know from Daniel 7 and 8 that Beasts include animals like Lions, Bears, Leopards, Deer and Goats.  Leviticus 11 also details which Beasts are Levitically clean and unclean for eating and for sacrifices, you'd think the status of the two legged ones that could talk would come up if they existed.

Genesis 2 also says Adam named every specific type of Beast of The Field, and yet the people making this non-whites are beasts of the field argument can't find a Biblical noun more specific then Beast to describe any of them.  You can find Biblical names for animals the ancient Israelites barely had experience with, yet no special name for the two legged talking ones?  One website I found arguing this lists all kinds of Torah verses about beasts they say must be about "Negroes" being kept as slaves, yet no more specific term for them.  You'd think the most useful "beasts" would be the most important to name?

I also now know that they use that Adam can also mean Red or Ruddy as evidence the descendants of Adam are those who can blush.   First of all the notion that only White People can Blush is pretty laughable to me as someone who watches Anime, clearly the concept is not alien to the Japanese.  I can also point out that Malcom X was known as Detroit Red, or that we called Native Americans the "Red Man" for some reason.  And some think red was never the color that Adam/Edom was meant to refer to but rather brown.  Regardless of all that the color the spelling A-D-M can be associated with is not the point in Genesis 2, the point is that Adam was made from Adamah which means earth, ground, clay, dust.

I'd already talked a long time ago about how what we call Ethnic or "Racial" features are a product of where various ancient nations lived.  

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