
Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Trinity in The Hebrew Bible

Inspiring Philosophy did a video on The Trinity in The Old Testament.
Where he says there are additional arguments one could make.  He also then did a Video about Jewish Sources recognizing these facts.
At any-rate the first of these two videos impressed me so much that I think it more so then any New Testament arguments are what are keeping me Trinitarian.  You see what a lot of modern attempts to refute Arianism ignore is that at least modern Arians tend to identify YHWH with Jesus not The Father, supported by IP's own observation that in the New Testament Kurios/Lord usually refers to Jesus.  So this video building a Trinity Doctrine just from the references to YHWH is actually the best refutation of Arianism.  And then this blog post about the Fatherhood of YHWH in the Old Testament.

I've touched on some of these subjects before, in Greek words commonly viewed as Gnostic and Arguing for the Divinity of the Messiah from The Hebrew Bible.

Here I want to list some additional arguments I find interesting, but they aren't as compelling as the above video, they're merely interesting observations to back up that argument.

First is that a Triune Nature of God is possibly hinted at in The Holy Name itself.  It is commonly called the Tetragramaton because it's four letters, Yot-Heh-Vav-Heh, but there are two Hehs meaning the name is really constructed from just three letters.  The Heh has been associated with The Holy Spirit before. 

Some like to view Psalm 2 as a Trialouge between The Trinity, but I've become more hesitant to endorse that given how my views on the Davidic Psalms have developed.

Genesis 48:15-16
And he blessed Joseph, and said, "God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.?
That sounds an awful lot like a Trinitarian Formula.

But perhaps The Trinity is hinted at in one of the most popular titles of The Jewish God.  The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel.  Which appears in some form Twelve times in The Bible, Seven of them in The Hebrew Bible, Four of those in The Pentateuch.  Exodus 3:6, 15, 16, 4:5, 1 Kings 18:36, 1 Chronicles 29:18, 2 Chronicles 30:6, Matthew 22:32, Mark 12:26, Acts 3:13 and 7:32.

Q: Why stop at Jacob/Israel?  Joseph was a main protagonist for a lot more of Genesis then Isaac was?

A: Because it's identifying the Patriarchs all Twelve Tribes share.

Well then why did it take three generations for God to stop narrowing it down?  The Issues that broke apart Abraham and Isaac's descendants could have just as easily done the same to Jacob's.

Abraham means "Father of a Multitude" and Abram meant "High-Father", Paul in Romans 4:11 calls Abraham "The Father of All them that Believe".  Christians see Abraham as playing the role of The Father typologically in Genesis 22&24.

Isaac was the Promised Seed of Abraham, who plays the role of The Son typologically in Genesis 22&24.

Jacob aka Israel is the one who's names become synonymous with God's People.  And it's in God's People that His Spirit dwells.

Update December 7th 2019:

Here is another YouTube video on the subject from a Paul Humber.  Watching this video I noticed how the Hebrew word for "One" is spelled with three letters, E-CH-D.  Interestingly the Greek word often used to translate that in New Testament quotes is similarly a three letter word.  As is "One" in English.

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