
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Robin Parry on Universal Salvation in The Nativity Narratives.

12 Days of Christmas: Robin Parry – A Universalist Christmas (NS03)

The Magi are Gentiles, and Simeon's Prophecy hints at how Israel's Salvation is the Salvation of The World.


  1. The magi would be jewish from the east part of none returned of the babylonian exile they knew the scriptures they knew a star would come out of Jacob
    They were wise to astronomical portents
    Gentiles did not at the time know the scriptures concerning the jewish messiah and certainly did not come to Jesus to seek him until the greeks came to ask to speak with him he then announced his death for the sins of the world of course this meant the gentiles aswell as israel it was importantant even the gentiles coming to seek him who were Not the magi for they were jewish all evidence points to it being the case.

    1. Gentiles did not know nor believe in the prophecies if the jewish messiah
      The jewish diaspra wise men from the east not only believed but by the holy ghost understood the prophecy in judges about the star

  2. God commands everyone to change their mind and believe in The Lord Jesus christ to be saved.
    They cannot be saved by not believing in him
    Instead they will be condemned. So universal salvation is indeed offered by only as many as recieved him those who believed on simple faith in him have the right to be called the sons of God
    People did not die preaching the gospel for everyone to be saved by rejecting God by rejecting the son it is ludicrous to think so.

  3. If this universal salvation as seemingly taught here was true then judas would not be lost
    Neither the son of perdition the man of lawlessness the papacy would not be destined for destruction and the lake of fire

  4. God certainly wills all to change their minds and co eto acknolwedgent of the truth and so be saved by grace through faith in him who is the truth, Jesus his son.
    If you are saying universal salvation based upon Gods will being done as stated above then i say amen to that

  5. If they deny the truth they are not acknowledging him

  6. I hope everyone acknowledged him before physical death
    I dont know they did not

  7. Leave them alone Jesus said
    Only those the father allows draws to me will come to me
    All the father gives me will come to me
    And i will raise them up at the last day
    They shall never perish etc

    Logically this means those who refuse to come don't come to him for life
    We dont want that but one cannot escpae or fix that by lying against the truth
    Which is a false teaching! A sin!

  8. Why command the gospel to be preached if it mattered not if men believed?
    They the faithul obeyed God and loved not their lives unto death preaching and being killed for the nessage of life

    How insulting to God to then say well everyone will be saved anyway
    If that were true they who were persecuted to death for preaching the gospel so mankindv could hear the words of life from Jesus believe on me and recieve salvation, would have been killed and rejected by those God justified already,
    In the case of israel that hoever seems to be true but not in the case of followers of the papal anti christ

    1. I already have a post addressing that question.

  9. Dont be suprised if the world hates you
    They hated me first.

  10. The command is to love and that includes love the truth
    Not believe the lie and love the lie

  11. Gods word is truth and the scripture cannot be broken and we are sanctfied by the truth we are not sanctified by rejecting the truth and loving the lie

  12. Romans 10:15 destroys that argument.

    4How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed?
    And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?
    And how can they hear without someone to preach?
    15And how can they preach unless they are sent?
    As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
    16But not all of them welcomed the good news.
    For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?"
