
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Marxism has become a Regressive Ideology

I'm really tired of seeing Left Tubers like PedRo/Zeria and BadMouseProductions act like you must be supporting the Status Quo if you're not treating the writings of a man who died in 1883 as the Inspired Infallible Word of God.

What Karl Marx proposed may well have been the most ideal system to implement while he was alive and for like maybe a century after.  But his ideas were also heavily dependent on the Industrial Revolution, the whole "working class" emphasis.  The Industrial Revolution is over, we're entering a New Technological Revolution now and so clinging to this idea that we need a "working class" is simply being stuck in the past.

As far as I'm concerned right now opposing the Basic Income is opposing poor people, I don't care what you're ideological excuse is.  And if your alternative to the Basic Income is to make it illegal to be unemployed then you have literally just called for what I consider the worst possible nightmare dystopia.  I don't care if in theory you want the law enforced in such a way that only the Employers and never the Unemployed would be punished, there is no way that is how it would ever be implemented.

I still hypothetically desire a Star Trek style cashless society, but there is no chance of implementing that in the next decade.  But there is something that could massively help the poorest and least privileged in society that we have a real viable chance of implementing in less then half of that time, and that is a Universal Basic Income.

If you're going to claim the UBI can never be "Progressive" because it's technically still "Capitalist" then you've missed the point of why we're opposing Capitalism in the first place. 

You're not going to fear monger me into opposing it because there are Billionaires who support it, I've never based my ideology on demonizing people.  Nor do I care about any guilt by association augments based on pointing to the "Libertarian" supporters who want implementing it to go with removing all the other social safety nets, I obviously oppose that.  I'm proposing we pay for it by implementing a 5% Wallstreet Sales Tax, raising the Capital Gains Tax and abolishing the 50c3 Tax Exempt Foundations (including Churches).  And also legalizing Weed and Taxing it.  The Wallstreet Sales Tax alone can make more then what is needed yearly to give every American a Thousand dollars a month leaving plenty of money aside for a Universal Healthcare System and other safety nets.  Plus I want to cut our Military spending at least in half as well as completely de-funding ICE, the DEA, the ATF and Homeland Security.

Opposing the UBI because you fear it would "Save" Capitalism simply proves you've put your ideology before your principles.

I will be voting for Andrew Yang in the Democratic Primary, and I also know from what I've observed that only he has a chance of beating Trump in the General Election anyway.  Yang's version of the UBI is not the best, but he's the only one championing it in this Election.

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