
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

2020 will be a pretty important Election Generationally.

It will be the first election in which 100% of people who qualify as Millennials will be old enough to vote, even the absolute youngest of us.  And also the first Presidential Election in which people too young to qualify as Millennial will be old enough to Vote, in which people born in this Century/Millennium will be able to contribute to deciding who will shape it.

I've already talked about how I believe the voting age should be lowered and so it shouldn't have taken this long.  But it did and we should pay attention to that.

What's disappointing is that this is the 2nd Election in which some Millennials are old enough to Run for President, and yet none has.  The youngest Candidate running in either of these Elections to be considered viable enough to even get into the Debates is Andrew Yang and he was born in 78, so still two years to old to qualify as a Millennial.

But perhaps he's close enough, many people his age have younger siblings who qualify, and the 90s would have the same Nostalgic significance to him that the 00s have to me.

But in the 2024 Election I will tolerate no more excuses, if someone born in the 80s isn't on one of those debate stages I will be vocally annoyed.  "But the Boomers didn't get a President till some of them were in their late 40s" you may respond.  Well yes that's part of the problem, the Boomers didn't take power till they were already too old for it and we don't need that happening again.

Hell we still have people older then the Boomers being allowed to run which is just ridiculous.  Someone who'd be turning 80 during their first year in office should definitely not be allowed to run in my opinion.

In addition to wanting to lower the Age you can Vote at, I'd also lower the Age you can run for President by at least five years. I feel most truly great forward thinking world leaders of Human History were younger then 35 when they took power.  From a Biblical Standpoint David was Crowned at 30.

Technically in 2020 I'm about the youngest person old enough to run in 2020.  I'll be turning 35 on the last day of October of that year.  I however am someone who's done nothing with my life besides writing these Blogs.

I'm probably gonna Vote for Yang even if someone younger jumps in, I am using more then just age to decide.  But my message to politicians my age is simply to prepare to run in 2024.

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