
Saturday, October 12, 2019

I am a Christian Leftist, but I am not a Leftist Christian

I believe that Communism is not just compatible with The New Testament but to some extent called for by it.

But The Gospel itself is not a Political Message, it's the message that every person, every sinner no matter how bad, will be Literally Bodily Resurrected to live forever on this Earth in the New Creation.

What I've sadly found is that those who say they're a Leftist first seem to want to make The Gospel itself the same Gospel Karl Marx preached, and that misses the point.

Jesus had plenty to say to the rich and the ruling class.  But he kind of attacked the Pharisees the most, and something a lot of people don't get is they were NOT the ruling class of that time, the Priesthood was controlled by the Sadducees and the Herodian Dynasty favored the Essenes.  Those rebelling against Rome in 66-73 AD all came out of the Pharisees, the Zealots and Sicarii were both offshoots of the Pharisees, and contrary to how some want to paint it those groups were NOT looking for a Messiah, they were explicitly anti Monarchial.

One thing I've noticed that a lot of Christians on both the Left and the Right don't want to accept is that the New Testament is NOT very anti Rome.  In Acts the Roman authorities are constantly the good guys, the ones making trouble for the early Church were local mobs and businesses, sometimes Jewish and sometimes Pagan, but the Roman authorities were always trying to keep the peace.  Pilate is portrayed very sympathetically, the few times a modern depiction gets that right everyone loses their minds.  And Jesus also praised a Roman centurion for having greater Faith then any of the Jews.

Besides how you interpret the Book of Revelation (I view the Beast is Rome but it's prophetic of the future when Rome became Christian, it's not condemning Pagan Rome), the only thing in The New Testament that makes Rome or Caesar seem bad is when in John 19 those calling for the Crucifixion said "we have no King but Caesar".  So the State is only spiritually bad when you're choosing it over your true King Jesus.

When Jesus said to "Love your Enemies" and "Pray for those who Persecute you" the specific cultural context was Him talking to an indigenous people being oppressed by European colonizers.  But modern Wokeism want to make it seem like Jesus was doing the Opposite of that.

So I was watching one YouTube video where two Leftist Christians were saying they had a Universalist phase but as they became more Leftist they became uncomfortable with letting the Evil they see in the World go "unpunished" and so are now basically Sadducees, allegorizing away our future Hope.

I'm going to say something really radical, if you truly have a Christ Like Heart, then you desire the Salvation of Adolf Hitler just as much as you desire the Salvation of Anne Frank.

All the Evil that the tyrants and capitalists have done will be undone by Jesus, so demanding "Justice" is utterly pointless.  The only true Forgiveness is forgiving the unforgivable.

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