
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why do we ignore Gerrard Winstanley when talking about the lineage of people who've taught Universal Salvation?

At least those talking about it in Modern America.  I've watched a lot of stuff from the recent conference held at the Denver Sanctuary, and I've read Robin Parry and David Bentley Hart's responses to "The Devil's Redemption".  And when people talk about the history of Universal Salvation proponents they'll talk about Gregory of Nysaa who should perhaps always be the first we mention, they'll talk about Origen in-spite how problematic he is, they'll talk about George MacDonald who's main claim to fame was as a writer of fiction.  But never Gerrard Winstanley?

I can't help but suspect that it's because so many of them come out of American Evangelicalism and are thus still a little tied to American Political Conservatism.  So the fact that the person who introduced this Gospel into the English Speaking world was also one of the founding fathers of Communism isn't something they want to emphasize.

But it's a natural connection to make in my view, so many of the points from Jesus' parables about how God isn't a respecter of Persons or of Meritocracy which definitely imply Universal Salvation when applied Metaphysically, also utterly condemn the foundational logic of Capitalism when applied to this life.  And I feel both those applications are important to what Jesus wanted us to take from them.

When Peter Hiett is preaching on Revelation and explaining what "Pornea" that Book is really condemning, it's like he's coming so close to arguing that the Whore of Babylon is Capitalism, but can't quiet go all the way.

Yet the failure to connect these two things also happens on the other end, "Liberation Theology" seems to have become a Sadducean tradition, so they aren't bringing up Gerrard Winstanley either.

Update: In a Facebook group I was provided these links.;idno=A66686.0001.001

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