
Saturday, March 21, 2020

A True Leftist should try running in a Republican Primary

That sounds like an insane proposition, but hear me out.

First of all it simply is easier for a grassroots campaign to win the Republican Primary.  If the Republican Primary was nearly as rigged against populists as the Democratic one is then Trump would not have been nominated in 2016, even in the primary he didn't get 50% of the popular vote.

The Republican Party has far more ideological diversity within it.  I know Sanders supporters feel like the difference between him and Biden is night and day, but from the outside all internal Democratic party disputes look like merely a mater of degrees and methods. And even then that is only two opposing camps.

However the Republican party even to outsiders looks like a pretty chaotic coalition, Libertarians and John Birch Society style Paleo-Conservatives, Neo-Cons, Dominionist Evangelicals who practically openly want to create a Theocracy, Rockefeller Republicans, the Tea Party and most recently the Alt-Right.

In 2008 lots of Republicans voted agaisnt the Bank Bailout, there is plenty of room within the Republican party for resentment of Wallstreet types.  Eisenhower ran on upholding the New Deal in 52, Nixon created a lot of programs Progressives like and Regan defined himself as an FDR Democrat.  The Rockefeller Republicans were the ones Goldwater most wanted driven out of the party.

Casual Historian did a YouTube Video on how the Republican Party has always been a single issue party, only one issue actually unifies all these otherwise diametrically opposed ideologies, it's just that what that issue is has changed over the decades.

Currently that issue is lowering Taxes.  And because of how unrealistically simplified Taxation disputes have become in America that makes Progressives and Socialists seemingly the only people who can't join the Republican coalition.  But during the French Revolution it was the Left who argued for abolishing the oppressive taxes that the Monarchy had burdened the peasantry with.

Today a Leftist, especially one more Anarchist rather then Marxist leaning economically speaking, is ideally placed to expose how the Republican party has never lowered Taxes for the working class in any meaningful way.  We can propose implementing a Wallstreet Sales Tax as a way to replace the Income Tax on Hourly Wages.  Or at least promise not to raise any while focusing on lowering the payroll tax.

The original founding issue of the Republican Party was opposing Slavery.  A Leftist can point out how that battle isn't over, that the Thirteenth Amendment's loophole makes our Prison System a slave system.  And our position on the Free Trade Agreements puts us in line with the Protectionist phase of the Republican Party as well.

I do think the only kind of Leftist who would win in a Republican Primary is one with Karl Marx's position on Guns, Anarchists are also fully prepared to go to the right of moderate Republicans on the Gun Rights issue.  And when justifying why they're running as a Republican instead of a Democrat just be honest about why and add how the Gun issue alone makes winning a Democratic Primary impossible for them, Sanders can't even get slack for this being the one issue he's slightly moderate on.

We could appeal to a lot of Libertarians by stressing our non-Interventionist foreign policy, and desire to end the the War on Drugs and also legalize Prostitution, as well as being Pro-Choice and for abolishing Copyright Laws.

If we do this during a cycle when there is no Democratic Primary and the sitting DemPres is a "moderate" Neo-Liberal, which will be 2024 if Biden somehow wins this Election, then this Leftist Republican candidate can combine this internal coalition with alienated Progressives and Leftists joining open primaries.

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