
Monday, March 2, 2020

Existentialism is basically Atheistic Arminianism

I'm not going to similarly compare any secular Determinist Philosophy to Calvanism because what being Predetermined means is fundamentally different under an Atheist model.

But the way Existentialism stresses Free Will while molding Morality around that concept makes a fascinating comparison to Arminianism.

The Passion of The Nerd's videos about Buffy The Vampire Slayer on YouTube often stress Whedon's Existentialism, the main introduction to the subject is in the video on Lie To Me (Season 2 Episode 7).  I also watched a video about Man of Steel being Existentialist, I think that was on VIMEO.  There is also a YouTube video on Batman and Existentialism.

One of the things about how this applies to Buffy is that it often manifests in villains denying their Free Will, saying they didn't have a choice but the moral judgment of the story rejects that excuse insisting they did.  This is why I'm pretty sure Peter Coffin is not an Existentialist, he rejects that doctrine of personal accountability considering it inherently Capitalistic.

I'm pretty sure this is the basic moral outlook of a lot of people making media analysis and critique on YouTube whether they'd know to use the term or not.  I say this because that's clearly the frame work of feeling Kylo Ren was somehow beyond redemption after The Last Jedi, that once he chose to continue on The Dark Side after no longer having Snoke's manipulations as an excuse he crossed a line that you shouldn't be able to come back from.

That is basically exactly how Arminian Christians justify their Reprobate doctrine, like the Pastor I do not like to name.  That Pastor doesn't consider himself an Arminian but he's a non Calvinist who believes Hell is endless torment, broadly speaking that makes you Arminian whether you agree with every detail of an Amrminian Confession or not.  He argues that once a person rejects the Gospel after fully understanding it, having no more excuses, they become no longer eligible for Salvation, and things like Homosexuality are evidence of being such a Reprobate and thus he calls for them to be executed by the government.  Now most Arminians do not go to that extreme, but the gist of it is the same.

I also believe in Free Will in a sense, that's why I'm not a Calvanist, not even one single point.  However no one in the Ancient World defined Free Will how we do today.  The Ancient understanding was that Sin was man's natural state, and it was only through Divine Grace man ever has the Freedom to not Sin.

In a way that makes my Christianity in agreement with Nhilism, which sees that many factors of the natural world make it impossible to truly hold anyone entirely responsible for their bad choices (this is something Digibro has ranted about).  It's just that Christians unlike Atheist Nihilists believe we have a Savior who has come to give us True Freedom.

Matthew 9:10-13 tells us to view Sin as an illness that needs healing, not a choice that needs to be punished.  And that is why I agree with Brad Jersak, as well as Thought Slime.

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