
Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Too many online Leftists today want to minimize the Jewish Contributions to Socialism and Communism for the sake of refuting the Nazi Judeo-Bolshevism Conspiracy theory.  
That's a shame, I feel we should be proud of the influence of Jews and other marginalized peoples.  
And perhaps Jews are overrepresented among the philosophers of The Left because of the overlooked support for Communism in the Hebrew Bible, a book many Conservatives also consider Sacred.
But sadly mainstream Christians have trouble accepting the Communism even in the NT much less the Old because of how they've been influenced by Neo-Platonism and Rome.
The irony of the Judeo-Bolshevism narrative however is that the Bolsheviks were the least Jewish of the many factions of the 1917 Russian Left, in terms of their leadership at least. 
Perhaps the USSR's failures could have been avoided by being more Jewish?

Early Socialists who were Jews or had Jewish Ancestry
Moses Hess
Karl Marx (his family converted to Lutheranism when he was a child)
Ferdinand Lassalle
Paul Lafargue
Paul Singer
Eduard Bernstein
Luise Kautsky
Victor Adler
Laura Marx
Eleanor Marx
Charles Rappoport
Rudolf Hilferding
Daniel De Leon
Victor L. Berger
Morris Hillquit
Meyer London
Aaron Zundelevich
Gesia Gelman
Marie Goldsmith

SRs who were Jews or had Jewish Ancestry
Mikhail Gots
Avram Gots
Grigory Gershuni
Vsevolod Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum aka Volin
Isaac Steinberg
Yakov Blumkin
Mark Natanson
Fanny Kaplan
Jewish Socialist Workers Party

Mensheviks who were Jews or had Jewish Ancestry
Pavel Axelrod
Lev Grigorievich Deutsch aka Leo Deutsch
Julius Martov
Lydia Dan
Fyodor Dan
The General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia
Haim Kantorovitch

Bolsheviks who were Purged by Stalin or Krushchev
Leon Trotsky (Former Menshevik)
Adolph Joffe (Former Menshevik who switched with Trotsky)
Lev Kamenev
Grigory Zinoviev
Karl Radek
Béla Kun
Shmuel Weizmann 
Maria Weizmann
Polina Zhemchuzhina
Michael Metallikov
Bronislava Poskrebysheva
Solomon Mikhoels
Alexei Kapler
Ignace Reiss
Alexander Parvus
Louis Shapiro
Noah London
Walter Krivitsky
Lazar Kaganovich
Gyorgy Lukacs

Spartacus League
Rosa Luxemburg
Leo Jogiches
Paul Levi
Mathilde Jacob

Bavarian Soviet Republic
Kurt Eisner
Ernst Toller
Gustav Landauer
Erich Mühsam
Eugen Leviné

Other German Socialists who had Jewish Heritage
Otto Landsberg (Only Jew among the Bad SPD)
Hugo Haase (SPD)
Alexander Parvus (SPD)
Kurt Rosenfeld (SPD)
Werner Scholem (KPD)
Ernst Heilmann (SPD)
Arkadi Maslow (KPD)
Ruth Fischer (KPO)
Gerhart Eisler (KPD)
The Frankfurt School also had some Jews but I'm not gonna list individuals since I don't like their pessimism.

Some might want to accuse me of simply labeling everyone outside Russia as non Bolshevik, but Rosa Luxemburg criticized Lenin when she died before he did most of what anti Lenninists later condemn him for.  
Ernst Thalmann and Walter Ulbricht were the German stooges of Stalin, they were both Gentiles and the Weimar KPD declined under their leadership.  Ulbricht and Stalin would turn their back on Thalmann during the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact making no attempt to get him released from Prison.

Labor Zionism
Aaron David Gordon
Ber Borochov
Nachman Syrkin
Joseph Trumpeldor
Jean Longuet (Grandson of Karl Marx)
Leon Blum
Albert Einstein
Oskar Cohn
Jacob Lestschinsky
Angelica Balabanoff
Haim Arlosoroff 
Zeev Latsky
Shmuel Niger
Yitzhak Ben-Zvi
Yosef Sprinzak
Ya'akov Zerubavel
Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi
Berl Katznelson
Meir Ya'ari
David Ben Gurion
Moshe Sharett
Zalman Shazar
Levi Eshkol
Golda Meir
Ya'akov Hazan
Moshe Sneh
Meir Talmi
Victor Shem-Tov
Yigal Allon
Yitzhak Rabin
(Camille Huysmans was a Gentile leader of the Second International who also supported Zionism) 

American Anarchists
Emma Goldman
Alexander Berkman
Paul Goodman
Murray Bookchin
Noam Chomsky
David Graeber

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