
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Semitic vs Greek Primacy for the New Testament

I've talked about my thoughts on New Testament Linguistic Primacy disputes before, but I've perhaps slightly changed my mind on some things since then, I'm going to give a sort of Tier list style break down here.

New Testament books that based on their stated original audience and/or who wrote them I am 100% certain were originally written down in Greek.

Luke-Acts, all 13 Epistles that Explicitly Self identify as being written by Paul, 1 Peter and Revelation.

Books that I think were more likely then not written in Greek but are at least open to dispute.

The Fourth Gospel and the 3 Epistles definitely by the same author as the Fourth Gospel, 2 Peter and Jude.

Books that I feel are 50/50 on if they were Greek or something else.

Mark and James.

Books that based on what the oldest Church Sources say on the subject I am 100% certain were originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic.

Matthew and Hebrews.

For Greek texts I still favor Textus Receptus Primacy and for Semitic Texts I favor Peshita Primacy not random Medieval Hebrew manuscripts of dubious origin.  And the Latin Mark theory I've already talked in depth about.

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