
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Class Struggle is Identity Politics

Politically Identifying with other people based on being the same Economic Class as them is also an Identity Politic.

Just as most Leftists agree that being Apolitical is defacto support for the status quo, rejecting "Woke" identity politics is defacto support for the White Supremacy, Patriarchy and Cisheteronormativity, and rejecting Class Politics is defacto support for the continued domination of the Bourgeoisie.

So when it comes to the little Civil War the Terminally Online Left is currently having, I have sympathies with both sides and frustrations with both sides, but they aren't equal.  And there are really more then two sides but for now I'm focusing on the "Woke Anarchists" like Thought Slime and Sophie vs "Anti-Imperialist" MLs like Caleb Maupin and PACD.

Both sides deny that they are what the other side accuses them of being, but the validity of the accusations are not equal to each other.  Maupin and PACD are Class Reductionists, doesn't matter that they pay certain lip service to other issues in ways that an old school Class Reductionists of the 1930s wouldn't have, and I also massively disagree with their "Anti-Imperialist" understanding of international Geo-Politics.  My position on the war between Russia and Ukraine is that both sides are bad and no sane Leftists should take a side on it.  But I don't think everything they are accused of is fair either, being a Class Reductionist is not the same as being actively Racist.  And you can't call someone a Class Reductionist and a Fascist or Nazi at the same time, because Fascism and Nazism were built on Class Collaboration.

Thought Slime and Sophie are not Class Collaborationists, I suspect they may agree with the title of this blog post and it's first full paragraph.  But they aren't as well read as they pretend to be.  I don't even agree with proper Anarchism anymore yet still there are better Anarchists then them on YouTube like Zoe Baker, Libertarian Socialist Rants and veritas et caritas.

PACD and Maupin like to say that most Working Class Conservatives are not horrible racist people, they are just misguided and we need to include them in our class solidarity.  And I agree with that sentiment, if that was indeed all they were doing in their flirtations with the Right I would be fine with it.  But they then turn around and engage in this massive demonizing of fellow Leftists who disagree with them, this whole "synthetic left", "Color Revolution" nonsense, and that's what makes their playing nice with Conservatives look like totally hypocritical BS.

But I also agree with them that we need to stop viewing the political spectrum as a simple Binary, or even just overlapping Binaries.  True Socialism and Communism is not simply to the Left of the Democrats and the Green Party.  It's really closer to being like a Venn Diagram, if your understanding of Socialism refuses to acknowledge that we sometimes agree with Conservatives over Liberals, most importantly on the matter of Gun Rights, then it is legitimate to accuse your Socialism of really just being edgy Liberalism.

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