
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Proletarian Patriotism

I find it interesting how none of the people simply mocking or dismissing out of hand this concept are calling it what they call themselves, they never use the word Proletarian and often try to construct a three word phrase for it to make it sound more ridiculous.

I don't like that the people embracing this concept right now are mostly the same Leftists who are simping for Putin and being Class Reductionist on Trans and other "Woke" issues.  But the concept itself I see as useful.

NonCompete had a video where he very cynically condemned the whole idea.  But now he has a two part series on the IWW's efforts to Unionize Black and Poor Whites together, that's exactly the kind of thing the Proletarian Patriots want online Leftists to do more often, to talk about the History of The Left in America, how they were a part of American Political history already before Bolshevism was ever even a thing.  At the same time the IWW was doing everything those videos talk about the Socialist Party of America was also providing Guns to Striking Coal Miners during the West Virginia Coal Wats.

The reason May First is International Labour Day is because of the actions of American Leftists in The Haymarket Affair.  The fact that May 1st wound up being the day Nazi Germany surrendered to the USSR gave the Soviets an excuse to ignore the Holiday's American Origins, then Conspiracy Theorists started saying it was the founding of The Bavarian Illuminati.

The original coining of the word Patriot during the lead up to the War of Independence was as a derogatory word, and then even once embraced by the Patriots it was understood as being in contrast to Loyalist.  The word was never meant to mean blind loyalty to the Government or the Status Quo.  Some of the Early Patriots even opposed the 1787 Constitution like Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and John Hancock, some of these Anti-Federalists were even already making Renegade Cut's argument that the office of President is basically a King in all but name.  They also understood how it undermined the common people even though they lacked a fully developed Dialectical Materialism.

And that's why Anti-Authoritarian and Anti-Establishment Americans of various ideologies have called themselves the True Patriots, and have also said there is nothing Patriotic about the Patriot Act.

None of the Founding Fathers were Communist or even as Proto-Marxist as we know people could already be at that time.  But they also weren't a Monolith, they disagreed with each other on everything basically, even the two main camps we often group them into had their internal squabbles.  Some of the ones that had the best track record on opposing Slavery were on the wrong side of almost everything else.  But a couple like Aaron Burr and Thomas Paine were progressive enough that I honestly think they only needed a slight push.  Talking about them as if they were all Mustache Twirling Villains is just as Reductionist and Anti-Materialist as Conservatives treating them like they were all Divinely Inspired Prophets.  The South Carolina Delegates at the Constitutional Convention were the most evil, they do anticipate most of the eventual Confederate ideology, they however are not among the ones most people today know the names of.

And the problem with the people who most want to talk about American Socialism being Dogmatic MLs is that they think from 1920 onwards only explicitly Bolshevik Parties count as the real Left so they won't talk about the continued legacy of the Socialist Party of America which was always actually more popular then the CPUSA, or how the Teamsters were lead by Trotskyists during their most successful era.

I said above that none of the Founding Fathers were Socialists, and that's true in a Strictly Political Sense.  But there was a Communistic Spirit alive in the Colonies from well before them and that's via the Quakers who founded Pennsylvania and Delaware. The Quakers had their roots in the most Radical Elements of the English Revolution including connections to the Diggers.  They quickly became the forefront of the Abolitionist Movement largely because of an Enthusiastic Abolitionist Dwarf named Benjamin Lay, Pennsylvania was the first State to Abolish Slavery outright in 1780.  A colonial Quaker is also one of the oldest documented examples we have of a person with a Non Binary identity.

It's the common people of a country who Proletarian Patriotism claims solidarity with, in opposition to the State and the Ruling Class.

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