
Friday, November 10, 2023

Six Points of Universal Salvation

The author of the YouTube Channel Total Victory of Christ has their own Five Points of Universal Restoration proposal, but it’s flawed in my view in how it brings in his positions on other doctrines.  So I want to devise a system that both Origenist and Anti-Origenist Universal Salvation believers can agree on.  And partly structure it as a response to the Five Articles of Remonstrance and the TULIP (Five points of Calvinism).

But I also decided on 6 Points since I prefer Hexagrams to Pentagrams. I prefer the Star of David to the Star of Remphan.

Total Depravity: God has consigned All to Disobedience so that he might have Mercy on All. Romans 11:32, Romans 5:11-21, Matthew 9:9-12, John 6:44, John 12:32.

Absolute Atonement: Jesus is the Atonement for our Sins but not of ours only but of The Whole World. 1 John 2:2, 1 Timothy 2:4, 4:10, John 3:16, Hebrews 2:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Colossians 1:15-20.

Unconditional Grace: Grace ultimately benefits even those who resist it because God is not willing that any should Perish and the Gates of New Jerusalem are never closed even though not everyone will be immediately inside of it.  1 Timothy 2:6, Revelation 21-22. Matthew 18:14, 2 Peter 3:9.

Perseverance of The Shepherd:  The Good Shepherd will find all his Sheep and none shall pluck them out of his hand.  Matthew 18:12-14, Luke 15:3-7, John 10:28-29.

Christ Victorious: 1 Corinthians 15 defines The Gospel as The Resurrection and is clear that all will be Resurrected and that Death and Hades will have no Victory in agreement with other Scriptures.  Revelation 20, Isaiah 25:8, Hosea 13:14.

Finite Punishment: Leviticus 26:42-45 and Deuteronomy 30 make clear that God’s judgments on Israel do not remove His promise to inevitably restore them, this is reaffirmed in Malachi 3 when he says his Fire is to purge and purify the Sons of Levi.  Ezekiel 16 promises the inevitable restoration of even Sodom.  Habakkuk 1:12 says God’s punishments are for correction.  Psalm 30:5 says God’s anger is for but a moment and Psalm 103:9 says his Anger will not last “forever” but later verse 17 says his Mercy lasts from Age to Age. In Matthew 5:26 and 18 34 Jesus defines punishment as being until a debt is paid.  Luke 12:46-48 is consistent with that but adding in agreement with 2 Peter 2:22 that punishments for sinful believers will be worse than for nonbelievers.  1 Corinthians 3:15 confirms there will be a judgment of works but even those consumed are still saved.

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