
Friday, August 24, 2018

The Christology of the Sanctity of Monogamous Heterosexual Marriage.

So I've been talking on this Blog about how Paul said there is neither Male or Female in The Church.  And recently I've been noticing how traditionalists will say that it's important to defend "traditional marriage" because of how it's a picture of the relationship between Christ and Israel and/or The Church (whatever your view on The Bride of Christ doctrine is).

And it just occurred to me to ask, have they forgotten about Colossians 2:16-17?  Which Paulian Christianity has long viewed as arguing that the Sabbath, and The Holy Days and other aspects of The Law being type pictures of Christ are exactly why those mere terrestrial shadows of the truth don't actually matter, or at least aren't something to be dogmatic and legalistic about.

Or likewise Mark 2:27 where Jesus said "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath", which was one of His responses to the Pharisees overly strict legalistic attitude towards The Sabbath.

That same principle can be applied to marriage.  God didn't create Adam and Eve because He wanted Ken and Barbie dolls to play with, He created Eve so Adam wouldn't be alone.  Where the KJV says "Help Meet" other translations say Helper or Companion.  So when the companionship someone needs is from a person with the same reproductive organs they have, that is perfectly consistent with the intent of Genesis 2.  And likewise when some people need more then one companion.

1 John 4:7.
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
So there is no context in which it can ever be appropriate to call Love a Sin, in fact doing so could quite possibly be Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.

Peter Hiett loves mentioning various Romantic movies in his Sermons and making then analogies for The Bride of Christ doctrine.  Well guess what, I'm capable of seeing the same analogy in Gay Romances, or Het ones but with the traditional roles reversed, especially in the Anime I've watched.

1 comment:

  1. I think if you're "able to see that", you need a renewed pair of glasses to look through.
