
Sunday, August 26, 2018

What was the nature of Jesus Atonement on The Cross?

There are a number of theories within Christianity about the nature of Christ's Atonement on the Cross, of what it's purpose was, including a number of different ones that can all be called Substiutionary Atonement.  However in the Western Evangelical Church the tendency has been to default to Penal Substitution, that He was taking the punishment for our Sins for us.

First of all I think it's possible that more then one theory of Atonement is true, that the act of the Creator of The Universe incarnating as a flesh and blood Son of Adam willingly laying down His own Life was a pretty big Stone that could kill a lot of different birds.

So on the YouTube Channel titled Early Church Faith there are three videos providing interesting takes on The Cross that I feel are all valid and interesting. Two are by Brad Jersak, The Gospel In Chairs and The Cross Remembered, and then Dr. C Baxter Kruger's God In The Hands of Angry Sinners.  However they and a lot of my other allies in advocating for Universal Salvation often object to Penal Substitution, and I understand why, the way Penal Substitution is traditionally understood in a framework that assumes some suffer endless torment, is indeed twisted.

When people come from the starting place that Salvation is not being punished at all, then saying some temporary punishment will take place for people who are saved feels like adding to The Cross.  And so we sometimes respond by wanting to remove punishment from the scenario altogether.

Romans 6:23 says the Wages of Sin is Death but the Gift of God is Aionios Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Hebrew 9:27 says it is appointed unto each Human once to die and after that the Judgment.  Therefore there must be a Judgment that is not the "wages of sin" in the same sense.

There are different kinds of Punishments.  A Death Sentence or Life in Prison is not done for correction, our Death Sentence is what Jesus paid for us.  But that doesn't preclude that some corrective Punishment will be necessary.

The misconception that forgiveness for Sin is inseparable from Salvation is why the Unpardonable Sin, Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit, confuses people.  They want to redefine it as something much more mystical and cosmic then what the immediate context implies.  It not being forgivable means you will be punished for it, but God's Punishments are not endless as Matthew 5:26 and Matthew 18:34 explain.  Habakkuk 1:12 and Proverbs 3:11 explain that God's punishments are for correction.  Luke 12:47-48 tells us that believers will receive more punishment then unbelievers.

So I can just look at the context of the unpardonable Sin in Matthew 12 and see that it's attributing something God did to Demons or Satan.

1 Corinthians 15 defines Jesus' Death as being for our Sins, 2 Corinthians says He was made Sin for Us.  1 John 2:2 and 4:10 calls his Death an Atonement (Propitiation in the KJV, the Greek word is clearly the equivalent to the Hebrew Kippur), likewise Romans 3:25.  Hebrews 2:9-15 says He died to defeat death, also agreeing with material from 1 Corinthians 15.  John The Baptist called Him the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of The World, the Passover Lamb was offered to protect households from the Angel of Death.

So I don't know exactly which model is the most accurate.  But I believe that because of His Death and Resurrection from The Dead, Jesus Will Save Everyone.

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