Thursday, November 3, 2022

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

I've talked more then once on this Blog about how I'm a Zionist but still one critical of the current Israeli Government.  

But beyond that I have disagreements with a lot of other people calling themselves Zionists because it's very popular now to call yourself a Zionist when supporting a Two-State Solution, including every professing Socialist Party in the current Israeli Knesset.

So I find myself oddly being a Zionist who feels more political affinity with some Palestinian Parties then I do any Israeli Parties.  Particularly the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine which is a Marxist-Leninist Party.

I think we need to understand that many calling themselves Anti-Zionist have had what Zionism means defined to them by bad faith actors.

If you support a Binational State where Jews and Arabs and other residents all have equal Citizenship and you're a Communist, then you basically have the same final goal as the founders of Labour Zionism like Aaron David Gordon and Ber Borochov.  

At a certain point the disagreement becomes a matter of semantics, whether the Binational State should be called Israel or Palestine.  I propose calling it the People's Republic of The Land of Abraham, that embodies the common heritage of the two peoples.

The DFLP are the Palestinian Party who are exactly the kind of "Anti-Zionists" I'm talking about, at least originally, their opposition to the Two State Solution has seemingly been softened somewhat over the years but a Binational State seems to still be their ideal preference.

Other Palestinian Parties calling themselves Communists seem to prefer a Two-State Solution or a more problematic One-State Solution.  Hamas is an Offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood making them pure reactionary Wahhabism.  And Fatah is the NSPAP, their current leader is the worst kind of Holocaust Denier and their founder was trained by the SS Officers working for Nasser.  So the DFLP are definitely the best viable option in the Palestinian Authority.

Update August 2024: The Popular Front for the Libertarian of Palestine also claims to be Marxist-Leninist, but not Maoist.  Also while the DFLP emphasizes the equality between Jews and Arabs in their vision the PFLP intends to tolerate Jews only as a Minority.  And George Habash that founder of the PFLP had strong tied to Francois Genoud.

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