
I have now become a believer in Universal Salvation, and so I am changing the nature of this page.  It shall be divided into sections.  

First are posts I made before I became a Universalist but Believed in Free Grace and Eternal Security, but NOT Calvinism.  Much of what I said is still what I believe to a certain extent.  Though if any references to Universalism exist they were negative.

Jesus Words Only
The Outer Darkness is outside New Jerusalem
Questioning the Salvation of Fellow Believers 
Questioning Salvation based on opinions 
Can someone lose their eligibility to be Saved?
Is believing in Eternal Security a license to Sin?
What is Repentance?
Judas being Lost
The Partial Rapture Theory
We are Born Again at The Resurrection 
Dietary Laws and Pork
What did Peter mean by Paul being hard to Understand?

The Church Fathers supposed opposition
Plato, Augustine, and Calvinism
Paul didn't teach Calvinism
Are you not Preaching the Real Gospel if you're not offending anyone?
Am I an Arminian?
Eternal Security and Homosexuality
Jesus talked about Hell more then Heaven???

And I had made this post where I argued against Universalism, I want to preserve it as a time capsule.

Next are a trilogy of posts I made as I was converting to Universalism but was not ready to go all in on it yet.

I'm rethinking Universalism
More Universalism Thoughts
Gerrard Winstanley was a Universalist

Then I did a trilogy of posts deconstructing traditional views of the doctrines of Hell and Eternal Damnation.  But not addressing Universalism directly per say.  The Above Outer Darkness post is also relevant to this subject, as well as if Jesus talked about Hell more then Heaven. 

Hades, Gehenna and The Lake of Fire
The Greek words for "Damnation"
The Soul and Spirit Biblically

My most recent post on the subject of Legalism alludes vaguely to my Universalism
The Law of Moses and Christianity
From the Labels of that post you can find my other posts on Legalism and The Law.

On November 9th 2016, Central Time Zone I decided to full identify as an Evangelical Universalist, and renamed this page from Eternal Security to Universalism [and have since further changed it to Universal Salvation].

Below here shall be links to relevant posts made since then that I'll continually be adding to.

Lex Meyer's Immortal (a follow up to The Soul and Spirit Biblically)

Words Translated Eternal 

Those who Receive The Mark of The Beast will be Deceived

Is Universalism Pagan?

KJV Only Universalism!!!
This one is not just directed at KJV onliers, but any who refuse to accept "Eternal" as a mistranslation.

In Which I do some more quoting of Augustine.

ALL Israel shall be Saved!

John 12:26-48

My Evangelical Universalism does not contradict Free Will.

According to Ezekiel 16, Sodom will be Restored.

Jesus' Instruction about Forgiveness.

The Trees of The Garden of Eden.

The Resurrection in The Torah.

The Second Resurrection.

Free Will vs Predestination.

When does All mean All?

Age of the Ages.

Pre-Nicea and Post-Nicea Universalism.

My Universal Reconciliation YouTube Playlist.
The videos in this Playlist are not my own work but the works of others I find insightful.  Some details of these videos i may disagree with the basic messages I support.

A post on my Prophecy Blog that touched on the Second Death issue briefly.

Pelagius was in Error but it wasn't Free Will.

The Apocalypse of Peter.

The Lamb of God and The Passover.

Who really views God as a Just Judge?

Universal Salvation both with and without Paul.


Universal Salvation in Revelation.

God's Unconditional Covenant with Israel.

Was Jesus Crucified in Gehenna?

The Baptism of Fire.

Free Will is not an argument against Universal Salvation.

Do Universalists need to throw certain out Books of The Bible?

Annihilationists will use a lot of the same arguments as Universal Salvation supporters.

The Sermon on Mars Hill in Acts 17 is a problem for The Sacred Name movement.

The Harrowing of Hell doctrine.

Luke 16:19-31: Lazarus and The Rich Man.

What was The Nature of Jesus Atonement on The Cross?

What Is The Gospel?

We're not the ones Cherry Picking.

Does God Love Everyone? Or Does He Hate Some People?

I take The Bible Literally and Believe in Universal Salvation.

Luke 12:47-48.

Limited Atonement vs Arminian Atonement, who is the "Most Illogical"?

How Many Lost Tribes will b Restored?

The Free Gift of Grace.

The Great Commission.

Basil of Caesarea and Universal Salvation.

Robin Parry on Universal Salvation in The Nativity Narratives.

The Egyptian Heresy of Eternal Damnation.

I take Sin very seriously, but I take The Son more seriously.

Did C.S. Lewis believe in Universal Salvation?

A Reforming Reformer.

Why I say Universal Salvation and not Universalism or Universalist.

Heaven and Hell are rarely mentioned in the same verse.

"Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin"

I am a Christian Leftist, but I am not a Leftist Christian.

Biblically Jesus died The Death of an Oppressor.

Why do we ignore Gerrard Winstanley when talking about the lineage of people who's taught Universal Salvation?

Why I say Universal Salvation NOT Apocatastasis.

The Gospel According To The East.

Who are the "Many"?

Existentialism is basically Atheistic Arminianism.

The Etymology of the word Gospel.

Mark may have been written in Latin.

What Jesus taught matters, but The Gospel is The Resurrection.

Lexical Vs Impressionist interpretations of The Bible.

Pre-Trib Imminence is argued for the same way Endless Torment is.

The New Testament is Collectivist not Individualist.

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