The YouTube Channel Tribunate has a good video on the Grain Dole of Ancient Rome. There is a lot that’s misunderstood about it including over stating just how progressive it actually was. But regardless it was upon introduction a massive relief to the Poor and Working Class.
And the Rich did not in any way pay for it, it was paid for unfortunately by the exploitation of the conquered people of the colonies. Not a single Grain of it was paid for by Taxing the wealthy. Yet Rome’s Aristocratic Patricians hated it anyway, they despised it and never stopped trying to undermine and destroy it. Because the more Desperate the poorest in a society are, the easier they are to exploit.
And that fact is even more true under modern Capitalism than it was in ancient economies.
There are now a number of good YouTube videos on Modern Monetary Theory or MMT. The fact is Modern States with Currency Sovereignty like the United States create the money they spend and do not need a source of income to have enough money. One of 1dime's videos on the subject is about how wrong it is to claim social programs are funded by Taxing the Rich.
However 1dime said one thing in that video I do disagree with, he said we should still Tax the Rich for “moral reasons”, well in my opinion as doing things for “moral reasons” is the height of immorality actually, it’s founded upon an Idealist rather then Materialist framework. Morality should be based on reducing harm and benefiting society.
These videos do explain why some Taxation is still needed for the Government Backed Currency to have it’s objective value. But once we understand that the Rich will oppose social programs like UBI and Free Healthcare and so on regardless and that how much money the Government has doesn't actually matter, I say we should stop giving them the excuse of perceived victimization, because however hallow to us online Leftists that is, America’s ruling ideology has made most even working class Americans very sympathetic to the idea of wanting to keep what you think you’ve earned.
And another added benefit is that if CasualHistorian is right about Lowering Taxes being the only truly unifying principle of the Republican Party, then once self proclaimed Communists stop pretending we need to tax the rich to achieve even our short term goals we can start trying to run in primaries even when only the Republican Party is having one. Their Primaries are easier for a GrassRoots candidate to win anyway, and the right kind of Communist can build a coalition based on being pro Gun Rights and being Libertarian on Social Issues and courting the non-interventionist Anti-War wing of the Party.
I wish I understood this MMT stuff 4 years ago when I tried to argue something similar for after the 2020 Election.
A lot of Leftists like to use Austerity as a scare word, as a core embodiment of the Capitalist Economics they oppose. Well the actual way to be the exact opposite of Austerity is to propose increased spending and lowering taxes at the same time.
We need to start making it more clear that our objective is for the masses to have more, not inherently for anyone to have less.
But if the existence of the Ultra Wealthy bothers you that much, I believe what they have will naturally start to diminish once the masses are less exploitable, we don’t need to take from them directly.