I have been and will continue to explore different historical critical theories about the origins of Islam, some that may seem mutually exclusive with each other. But I do believe a singular person is responsible for the final form of the Quran.
I’ve talked before about how my main theological issue with Islam is the rejection of God as Father in any sense, and that does come directly from the Quran.
And it’s also the biggest problem with trying to come up with a purely Materialistic origin story for Islam. It’s not something that makes sense as a natural development out of any sect of any prior Abrahamic Religion. Nor can it be explained by Paganism or anything about Arabic culture. It only makes sense as being a product of a person with severe Daddy Issues.
This is in my opinion also the key to how to solve the issue of the Quran and later Islamic Sources claiming the Jews claimed an Uzair (commonly mistranslated Ezra) to be the Son of God. I think Sallam ibn Mishkam really condemned Muhammad for rejecting that Israel is God's Son as stated in Exodus 4:22-23 and Hosea 11:1. The Etymology of Uzair I can't be sure of but it could be Usayr ibn Zarim the leader of the Banu Nadir which was Sallam's clan and Muhammad chose to word his response like they were saying this of Usayr specifically.
I’m not sure it’s best explained by the Daddy issues one would expect from Muhammad’s traditional Biography. Usually Orphans turn to religion because they're looking for God to be the Father they didn’t have.
The fact that Surah 5:18 uses the fact that God punishes people for their Sins as proof he’s not their Father is one of the most baffling thoughts in the Quran. Orphans are not typically ignorant of the fact that parents are supposed to discipline their children.
No it suggests to me the mindset of someone whose father was very Neglectful and/or Spoiled them. Which fits seeing him as someone raised in a Wealthy of Royal family, that’s often how things play out there. Muhammad’s family in the Traditional Narrative was more important than many presume it was, his Grandfather and Uncle were each heads of the Quraysh Tribe.
Or it could be the product of having a highly Abusive Father who punished him way too severely for even small things and so can’t separate parental discipline from abuse.
The author of the Quran definitely got most of their ideas from earlier sources. But the filtering of it all through this Complex is what made it something irreconcilable with all prior religious traditions.
The Nestorian influence manifests mainly in the emphasis on Mary as the Mother of The Messiah and not God, Christokos rather than Theotokos. But this rejection of God as a father at all makes it incompatible with normal Nestorianism.
Heteroousian Arian Influence probably explains the emphasis on Shirk as the worst Sin. But the Quran also says Allah does not Beget and Arian Creeds always stressed Jesus was Begotten of God to argue He had a beginning.
The Virgin Birth affirming Ebionites may have been the source of the Ingel Muhammad was familiar with. But they reject the Resurrection as well as Jesus' pre-existence.
Anyone who thinks Islam also rejects the Preexistence of Jesus is ignorant of the fact that Islam is Origenist, it teaches everyone had a Preexistence.
These sources could never go together when taken as a whole, any two were pretty mutually exclusive. But the Author of the Quran was selectively borrowing from everything they could to create their Anti Divine Fatherhood theology.
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